Sunday 25 August 2013

Term 3, Week 5

Wow Room 3, another awesome week – do check out our blog photos to see us sharing our princess prints in junior assembly, and painting tasty toast with Miss Giraud! We created some beautiful rainbows using our colour mixing skills, and learned more about photosynthesis and the energy (food) chain from the sun to the plants to us! We’ll be publishing some of these ideas in the coming week.

This week we’ll also look at the chemical processes involved in digestion and metabolism, and towards the end of the week we’ll take a “clean” look at excretion (poo!) and fertiliser. As well as learning more about money, we’ll be painting a new spring mural to replace our winter wall, continuing on with tennis for those children who have paid their tennis fees, painting some rocks, and even having a popcorn party when we farewell Miss Giraud on Friday.

Remember that now is the time to pay your swimming fees at the office or make alternative arrangements with Mrs Smith. Swimming begins on Monday 16 September so make sure you’ve got named togs, towel, swim bag and goggles lined up to go. If you haven’t returned your form with details of your swimming experience yet, please do. Also, please name all school uniform items ahead of time, and please – if you’re not already dressing and undressing yourself (including shoe buckles or laces, and turning inside out clothes the right way around…) now is the time to practice . Have a race to see how fast you can be! Details of times will be coming, however we will be swimming during the afternoons each day that fortnight, and parents are most welcome to meet us there to watch us swim and help us with our quick changes J Also, as we will need to eat early on swimming days, please make arrangements for packed lunches every day throughout this two week period – no sushi, bakery, subway or sausages will be available.    

Term 3, Week 4

What an awesome week in Room 3! We loved having Janice Oliver in to teach us more about throwing technique, and of course we were excited to see Rooster Booster. Tennis was amazing and we can’t wait for our next session have you paid your money to the office yet? We loved our ASB money session – speed to your needs and wait for your wants!

This week in Room 3 we are going to combine all of our painting skills – mixing, shading and separating colours – to create some gorgeous blue sky and rainbow artworks for our classroom. We’ll even be showing our friends in junior assembly. We will also be painting bread with Miss Giraud on Friday – expect us to be very interested in toast when we come home.

For topic and writing this week, we’re investigating the food chain and how energy is transferred from the sun to plants and now to animals (and ultimately, back to the earth). We’ll look at the chemical processes involved in digestion and metabolism, and towards the end of the week we’ll take a “clean” look at excretion (poo!) and fertiliser.
Please remember now is a great time also to pay your swimming fees at the office – if for any reason you need to delay the payment, please speak to Mrs Smith. An arrangement can be made so that we know that you are still planning for your child to participate in the programme 

Room 3's rainbow bread!

Thank you Miss Giraud for teaching us how to make rainbow bread - we had so much fun painting our bread using milk coloured with food colouring. We toasted our pictures and they were delicious :)

Room 3's junior assembly

We were so proud of ourselves reading in junior assembly last week - we are really developing our confidence in presenting for an audience!

Thursday 8 August 2013

Term 3, Week 3

Many thanks to all families who attended three way conferences last Thursday evening – it was wonderful to hear and share ideas about our goals and our learning. Thanks also to those families who came to support our assembly presentation about ourselves as scientists.

This week in Room 3 Janice Oliver will visit us for a special skill session on throwing, and we’ll also have a visit from Rooster Booster – did you know that the law has changed? You now have to sit in a booster seat until you are seven, no matter how tall you are.
We are looking forward to our first Grasshopper Tennis session (last week’s was rained out, but an additional session will take place in week 6). Please make sure that you pay the $5 for tennis to the office (or let the office know of exeptional circumstances) as children will otherwise not be able to attend all sessions.

We are also having a visitor from the ASB bank who will talk with us about money – managing money is such an important life skill, it’s impossible to begin too early!
Our final novelty this week will be our first te ao kori session led by Miss Giraud. Over the next five weeks children will be rotating around five different classrooms to experience five health and fitness activities associated with tikanga maori.  

We have been coping well with the changeable weather, we’re hoping for a little more sunshine this week 

Monday 5 August 2013

Assembly presentation this week

Just a heads up that Room 3 is presenting at this week's assembly - if you would like to come along and watch us, we will be talking about science!

Thursday 1 August 2013

Term 3, Week 2

Thanks to everyone for a great start back to the term. It is wonderful to see the progress made in our independent learning skills since the beginning of the year, and to see the letters, numbers, words, and facts retained over the holidays. We have been enjoying the additional learning support from Miss Giraud, and look forward to our next four weeks together.

What an exciting day we had last Monday when Mr Butterworth created chemical explosions on the field! We’ve definitely expanded our thinking about what a scientist is and does, and this week we focus specifically on the concept of energy – what it is, where it comes from, and what it means to be either “stored” or “kinetic”. We will continue to explore teen and ty numbers – making them by joining sets of tens and ones, and breaking them down into parts. We are enjoying buddy reading with Room 10 (we love having an audience for our ideas!), and we’re looking forward to taking our monochrome/grey scale painting skills to the next level as we explore and recreate shading and patterns found in black and white photography and design.

Two reminders are repeated this week - please get those learning journals back asap so that we can start filling them up with amazing new learning samples, and also, please note that our three way conferences are on this Thursday – get in quick to book the time you want! 

Also to note, because of the three way conferences, school closes at 2pm on Thursday.