Fist of all, huge thanks to those lovely mothers who
helped us out with our Junior Masterchef Pizza Challenge last Friday – we all
had a fabulous time chopping, grating, designing and eating our tasty treats!
We also had a special treat on Thursday when we watched the environmental film
(from the Dr Seuss classic!) The Lorax – thanks to Mrs Mansson from Room 4 who
shared her DVD with us :) We also
began thinking about character as part of our drama focus, exploring voice and
movement through descriptive language and through acting out.
Unfortunately our Grasshopper Tennis lesson was rained
out last week, but we begin again today ($5 to Miss Driver please if you have not paid
already :)) and
there will be an additional lesson in the final week of term to ensure that all
children get the full four lessons :)
We will
also continue to look at character in combination with our listening focus for
music – we’ll explore the ways in which classical composers have used different
instruments, rhythms, pitching and expression to convey the characters in
Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf, and in Saint Saens’s Carnival of the Animals,
as well as to tell a story. We look forward to visiting the Recycling Centre on
Thursday morning (if you have kindly volunteered to provided transport, please
be at school at 9am as we will orgnanise ourselves then go!) to learn more
about what happens to the things we put in our blue recycling bins!