Monday, 27 May 2013

Term 2, Week 4

Well done to all on surviving another wet week. In spite of some indoor play and lunch times we did a great job of looking after ourselves, our friends and our classroom environment, and we packed in a lot of learning too! We particularly enjoyed our first hockey skills session with Craig and the Spirit of Polynesia performance on Friday. Please, if you are yet to pay for this show or for the Life Education experience, return your money to the office asap :)
This week we look forward to another hockey session and many more fitness sessions with Mr Harvey. The cross country is fast approaching so our new focus will be stamina and pacing ourselves for a longer route. We also continue to focus on skip counting in maths (2s, 5s and 10s) as a strategy to help us to solve addition problems more quickly. We have been looking at contractions, rhymes and compound words in our readers and shared books, and in the week ahead we’ll be exploring alliteration (putting words one after another that start with the same sound) as a feature of reading and writing. You might like to have a go at home, putting some incredibly interesting ideas into wonderfully wordy super sentences, like this “Room 3’s remarkable writers are writing really ridiculous rhymes to read”. Can you make a  sneaky sentence full of similar sounds?

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Term 2, Week 3

What busy weeks we are having in Room 3 this term! Last week we got to grips with odd and even numbers (some of us could still do with some practice, so do ask us about this :)!) and skip counting using 2s to and from 20. We learnt some great running skills and fun new games with Mr Harvey, and we danced, wrote and got all dressed up as we explored some different cultures. We hope you liked our Bolivian folk dance! We made butterfly and reflection prints, and we read about a very mean old witch.

This week will be just as action packed with kapa haka, jump jam, hockey skills and the Spirit of Polynesia performance on Friday. We’ll be exploring some film clips related to our cultural studies as well as some fun animations to inspire our writing. We are all focussing on ps and qs (and 9s!) in our handwriting (please help us to practise getting these the right way around :)), and we’ll continue our fitness training with Mr Harvey.

One administrative note – there are a couple of children needing new books. 
Please keep an eye out for the strips of paper (A4 width, but very short!) requesting stationery that may appear from time to time – your children may forget to draw your attention to these, but they should appear in book bags when a book is needed. Many thanks :)

Monday, 13 May 2013

Mr Harvey

We love having Mr Harvey with us in Room 3 because he always gets into the spirit of learning with us! Here is Mr Harvey being a great sport during discovery time... Keziah and Saskia made a lot of the wardrobe decisions, and may one day become personal stylists.

Term 2, Week 2

Congratulations everyone on a great first week back. We are loving having Mr Harvey with us in Room 3, and have had a super tine learning about odd and even number patterns. We have been writing about our holidays and making a wonderful mess with our bubble and block prints, as well as rubbing some Autumn leaves.

This week in Room 3 we look forward to beginning to skip count using 2s (and maybe 5s and 10s!) as a great way to count more quickly and to start thinking about multiplication. We’ll be launching into our fitness programme with Mr Harvey (our sports expert!) and will present a folk dance from Bolivia in Assembly on Friday – come and watch us at 2.30pm. We’ll also be creating some new prints using mirroring and body printing techniques. 

Some of us will be attending our second Bible in Schools session – for those families who are yet to confirm whether or not they wish for their children to attend, please let me know either way.

Just a reminder that some families are yet to pay for the Life Education bus experience – we love having Harold to visit, so please make your contribution to the office asap :)