Well done Room 3 on
another week’s hard work! We are drawing very near the end of term now, and
focussing on our end of year performance as well as Christmas crafts and
activities. As we are tired from a year of very intense learning there will be
no further spelling words to learn this year, and no further reading response
questions. This week children will still be bringing home a story to read,
however the most important thing is to get plenty of sleep and exercise when
the sun is shining :)
There will be no further
homework sheet in the final week of term, so I thank you all now for a
fantastic year and wish you all the best for 2014. I will be teaching a lovely
year 3-4 class at Westmere School in Auckland next year, but hope to keep in
touch with the team at Birchwood – I look forward to hearing about all of your
successes in the years to come! Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a
happy new year :)
- Come and
see us in the Junior/Middle Syndicate show next week!! Please check the newsletter
for times and dates.
- Learning
Journals go out this week (with reports where appropriate). Information about
next year’s rooms and teachers will be included with these. Children will visit
their new classrooms and meet their new teachers on the final day of term.
- Library books are due back, if you still have
one at home please return it NOW :)