Welcome back from what I hope was a fabulous long weekend for all :) And, first of all, a big well done to everyone in Room 3 on winning the We Care Award last week for taking care of our classroom. What a super bunch of tidier-uppers we are! We can always practise being tidy at home to help out our families too :)!
We had a great time kicking off last week with a gymnastics session in the hall! We really enjoyed learning a new tag game, sharks and
islands, and are becoming very good at using safe techniques when we jump,
roll, land, balance and hop! We made some high impact mixed media art work (and began some spectacular 'winter' art with Mrs Jessop), and
had fun posing on our new junior playground. Have you been in to look at our
gorgeous photos on our writing wall? We did an awesome job of sharing these photos
and our stories when we performed at junior assembly on Tuesday. We also made
some very effective digital puppet plays on our ipads.
This week we will continue with our gymnastics
programme, and will begin to explore responding to music and to rhythm in text
using our bodies to create and echo beats. We’ll also be looking at the way
music videos enhance the music they support, and will look at a range of
different music and video styles with a mind to creating some video clips of
our own next week!
Of course we also continue to race along with our reading,
writing and maths as usual. Some families will have noticed that their children
are now reading at level 12 (green) or higher, which is the standard expected
after one year of school, i.e. at age 6. These children will no longer bring
home four books a week as their reading mileage is already very high. Instead
they will bring home one book every two days.
Please re-read the books sent home on Mondays/Wednesdays on Tuesdays/Thursdays (this pattern will of course be disrupted this week because of the public holiday :)).
On the second reading, children are expected to practise reading with fluency
and expression. Ask them to explain what they are reading in their own words.